Shir Yakheh Zanjafil

Ginger and Walnut Ice-Cream

Like the Parwana rose and pistachio ice-cream, this home-made ginger and walnut ice-cream is a firm favourite at the restaurant.
— Durkhanai Ayubi
Photography: Alicia Taylor

Photography: Alicia Taylor

Find this recipe and more in the Parwana Book.

Serves 8

  • 1 litre (4 cups) thickened (whipping) cream

  • 500 ml (2 cups) condensed milk

  • 1 tablespoon cooking caramel (available from supermarkets and Asian grocers)

  • 2 tablespoons ground ginger

  • 60 g (½ cup) coarsely chopped walnuts


Process the cream, condensed milk, cooking caramel and ginger in a food processor for 3–4 minutes, or until stiff peaks form. Transfer the mixture to a clean bowl and add the walnuts. Fold through gently to combine well, then transfer to a large airtight container.

Cover the entire surface of the ice-cream directly with plastic wrap to avoid ice crystals forming. Cover the container with a lid and freeze for at least 10 hours before serving.

RecipeNathan Cutts